
Frequently Asked Questions

How do my instructors know that I have accommodations?

The Student Accessibility Services Coordinator will email your accommodations letter to your Hawkeye email address. It is then up to the student to email that letter on to their instructors. If you don’t provide the accommodations letter to your instructors, they will not know that you have accommodations.

Do I have to give my instructor my accommodations letter on the first day of class to receive accommodations?

No, you can provide your accommodations letter to your instructor at any point in the semester; however, accommodations are not retroactive so it is recommended that you provide the accommodations letter to your instructors early in the semester.

Am I required to use my accommodations?

No, but you should let the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator know if you choose to not use accommodations in your classes.

Can I use my accommodations for just one class?

Yes, it is up to the student to provide their accommodations to whichever instructors/courses they feel necessary.

My instructor says I cannot use one of my accommodations, even though it is listed. What do I do?

Contact the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator.

As my class progresses, I feel like my accommodations are not quite meeting my needs. Can we adjust my accommodations?

Yes, please contact the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator to discuss adjusting your accommodations.

In my online class, the instructor forgot to give me extended time on my exam. What do I do?

If you haven’t started the exam yet, contact your instructor and the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator and don’t start the exam until you hear back. If you notice once you’ve begun the exam or once it is complete, reach out to the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss options.

Does my IEP or 504 plan just transfer to college?

No, you will need to follow the application process for college accommodations and meet with the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator to determine potential accommodations.

I didn’t have an IEP or a 504 plan in high school, can I still receive accommodations?

Yes, a previous IEP or 504 plan is not required for students to receive college accommodations. Please meet with the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator to discuss your specific situation, needs, and concerns to determine eligibility for accommodations.

I have to have surgery and will miss a couple weeks of school. Can I get accommodations for that?

Students with temporary impairments should contact the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator for assistance.

I’m pregnant, is that considered a disability? Can I get accommodations?

Students that are pregnant should connect with the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator to learn about their rights as well as to determine necessary accommodations.

Contact Information

Student Accessibility Services

Hawkeye Center 208
Email Student Accessibility Services

Hawkeye utilizes Relay Iowa, a telecommunications service providing full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or speech impaired.

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

If campus is closed, the Student Accessibility Services Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

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